TV Guide has an interview with Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec.

Check it all out here.

Here is an excerpt:


TV Guide Magazine: Your first season included so many great theme episodes — like the bloody Halloween party and the Miss Mystic Falls pageant. Can we expect more of these events?

Williamson: The CW is very event-oriented, but I was initially very resistant of it. Last season was all built around Founder’s Day. And this year we’re considering three events as our big lead-up to the season finale.
Plec: We do have a carnival in our second episode, and in the third episode, Elena and Damon and Alaric travel together to Duke University, where Isobel, Alaric’s wife and Elena’s birth mother, met and lived together. She studied the paranormal and was an expert in the anthropology department which is how she disguised her vampire research. She had become obsessed with Mystic Falls and dug deep into the history of the town. So on their trip, they dig into her dusty files to see what she may have known that they don’t know.

Steven R. McQueen

Ian Somerhalder

Paul Wesley

Nina Dobrev

Matt Davis

Kevin Williamson

Vampire Diaries Merchandise

Julie Plec

Kevin Williamson

Paul Wesley

See Nina Dobrev’s Interview here.
See Matt Davis’s Interview here.

Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson talk with Fancast about the season, the finale and what to expect next season.

Check it all out here.

Here is a little excerpt:

3. Take us inside your approach to the finale, and what you wanted to accomplish.
We wanted to entertain, defy even the most avid viewer’s expectations, and leave everyone wanting to tune in next season to see how things will unfold.

5. What should fans look forward to next season?
Stefan and Elena. Damon and Elena. Damon and Stefan. Shirtless.

I’m all about seeing the boys shirtless more often!!!!

Vampire Diaries Episodes

PopWrap has an interview with Kevin Williamson.

Check it all out here.

Here is an excerpt:

PopWrap: First off, I just have to say how much I’ve enjoyed this season of “Vampire Diaries.” Easily the best new drama on TV right now.
Kevin Williamson:
It’s been really hard so that’s nice to hear. We’re exhausted. First year shows are very difficult. There are just so many elements in the storytelling aspect. Thank goodness all the other stuff — casting, directing, production — fell into place from the very beginning.

Vampire Diaries T-Shirts


Deadline Hollywood has an interview with Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson.

Check it all out here.

Here is an excerpt:

DH: Which character is the most popular? I’m sure you must pay attention to fan sites and Twitter and all that stuff, because people are so obsessed.

JP: The good thing is, they do these little polls once in awhile, ‘Are you Team Stefan [the “good” vampire] or are you Team Damon [the “bad” vampire]’”? And every time they are about 50-50, which is a very good thing, because Stefan is more of the straight man, and Damon is more the comic relief. If our villain was overpowering Stefan, we’d be screwed.

DH: When this show came on the air, there were some interesting promos done, like a Vampire Diaries blood drive. Where is that line between camp and the kind of seriousness that a project like this has to have?

KW: There was not only a blood drive; they passed out “fang floss” and vampire suntan lotion. That’s one of the things that we do with the show tonally — we don’t take ourselves too seriously. But, at the same time, we try to tell a really hot story. So hopefully the combination works together.

iF Magazine has an interview with Kevin Williamson.

He talks The Vampire Diaries and the new Scream movie (love those movies)!

Check it all out here.

Here is an excerpt:

Although the big plot points are mapped out in advance, Williamson says that the more he and the other writers see the work of the cast, the more the characters are being written to suit the actors playing them. “When you do series television, once you get in a groove and you actually start to see your actors, you see how Paul is playing Stefan and you see what your actors can do and you write towards the characters they are creating, and so now I hopefully write dialogue for them better. But at the same time, I know what they’re about. I know Nina. I know she’s a dancer. I know her background more, I know her history. And so Elena is going to start encompassing things that I know that will just make me utilize Nina the actress even more. I know her strengths now.”

E! has interviews with Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec.

Read the article here from some more scoop from the producers.


Kevin Interview

Julie Interview:

TV Guide has an interview with Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson.

They give all kind of details on what to expect the rest of the season including the finale.

Spoilers beware, you can read it all here.

Here is an excerpt:

SPOILERS What should we expect in the season finale?
What we’ve been building to from the beginning — it’s something we took directly from the books — is this event called the Founders’ Day Celebration, which is the anniversary of the founding of the town. We’re looking into big period costumes and Civil War reenactments and maybe some parade action with some big floats. It’s going to be the big event that connects us back to 1864 and what went down back then. It messes things up so when we come back in Season 2, everyone has a reason to tune in again. There are nine “oh my God” moments.


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