PopWrap has an interview with Kevin Williamson.

Read the interview here.

Here is an excerpt:

PW: Although you’re trying to stay true to the books, did you go in any directions even you didn’t expect so far this season?

Kevin: We borrowed a few tentpole moments from the book whereas we expanded upon the mythology in others. But we know where season one ends, I know the last sequence, I know the big moments of season two and the general arc, but we haven’t broken down the 22 episodes yet. What you ultimately plan on doing changes. If you read the books you know that we killed Coach Tanner in episode three when it happened at the Halloween haunt in the book because that’s where we killed Vicki, who did not die in the book.

Vampire Diaries Merchandise
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kevin Interview

Cast and Characters, Interviews


Jim Halterman has an interview with Kevin Williamson.

Read the entire interview here.

Here is an excerpt:

JH:: What was it about the books that attracted you to it?

KW: I’m a sucker for epic love stories and it has sort of that epic love. Also, when I was reading the book once you get past the Twilight setup it really is its own monster, it’s own story and it takes a different path from the Twilight story and True Blood story. I thought it was a sexy Dark Shadows. I loved Dark Shadows as a kid and I’ve always wanted to do a show like that. I remember talking to the WB about Dark Shadows years ago and I thought it would be kind of fun.

Zap2it has an interview with Kevin Williamson. He talks about tonights’s episode, 162 Candles.

Caution Spoilers!!

Vampire Diaries Episodes
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kevin Interview

Cast and Characters, Interviews

MTV has an interview with Kevin Williamson.

He talks about the Haunted episode and the demise of one of the main characters.

Still don’t wanna give too many details yet just in case you haven’t seen the episode. But by now I’m sure you know even if you haven’t seen the episode.

Read the interview here.

Vampire Diaries T-Shirts


TV Guide has an interview with Kevin Williamson explaining why they did what they did in episode 7 Haunted.

Don’t wanna give any excerpts from the interview just in case someone hasn’t seen the episode yet.

Read it all here.

This episode was awesome, but I was also sad!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kevin Interview

Cast and Characters, Interviews


The L.A. Times has an interview with Kevin Williamson. He talks about the show and some things we can expect to see.

Read the entire interview here.

Here is an excerpt:(SPOILERS)

So let’s talk about this Halloween episode you guys have coming up. Vicki has just been turned into a vampire, so the big question is, is Vicki going to be a good vampire or a bad vampire?

Well, you know, she’s an addict. Everyone’s transition is different in our mythology, and it really comes down to some key personality traits that just get magnified. All of her little addictions and quirks get magnified now that she’s a vampire. It’ll make for a very bipolar personality. In our mythology, when you’re turning into a vampire, you’re confused. Your addiction to prey and to feed is mixed into your emotions, like love and lust and desire. You always hurt the ones you love the most! So Vicki is most dangerous to people like Jeremy. It’s the same way that Stefan sort of flares up around Elena – when they’re making out and his eyes get all inflamed – love and lust and desire are triggers.

Below is an interview with Kevin Williamson with Zap2it.


Zap2it has an interview with Kevin Williamson.

Read the entire interview here.

Here is an excerpt from the interview:

Were you familiar with the “Vampire Diaries” books before you got involved in the series?
KW: No, they sent me the book like a year before we actually did it — I think for a feature film — and I looked at it, but “Twilight” was already in the pipeline, so I was just like, no way. I wasn’t interested. And then it came back around about a year later. I was having lunch with Julie Plec and Jennifer Bresnan, who is a lifelong friend, who worked for me for eight years, and now she’s an executive at The CW. We were all hanging out and she said that she had a project called “The Vampire Diaries” that she was looking for someone to adapt. And I said, oh my God, I know that book. I got to page 12. [Laughs] And that’s when Julie went, I love “Twilight,” I want to do a vampire show! And I was like, I’ll do it if you do it.

And then I read the first book and said, no way, because it was just like “Twilight.” But Julie Plec was already on book three by then, because she reads faster, and she was just like, keep reading it, so I kept reading it, and I went, you’re right, it’s not [like "Twilight"]. I said, if we can get to the other stuff sooner, than yes, let’s do it. And so we sort of rearranged things, so even though the first episode and the set up are the same — the guy comes to school, she meets him, all of that is the same in the pilot — once you get past that… as soon as Damon shows up, it’s totally different.


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