Vampire Diaries Merchandise

BuddyTV has an interview with Nina Dobrev and Paul Wesley from Comic Con.

They talks about the show and acting.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ian in new blood drive

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Ian Somerhalder is teaming up with New York’s WPIX-TV for a blood drive.

Here is some information on the event from their site:

Ian Somerhalder, former Lost castaway and current star of The CW’s Vampire Diaries and PIX are teaming up with the New York Blood Center to conduct a blood drive outside of PIX studios at 220 East 42nd Street on Thursday, September 10th, from 6am-1130am.

Read the article here for more information.

Vampire Diaries Episodes

The Official Vampire Diaries Facebook page has posted a new and very short promo video featuring Stefan and Elena.

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The Vampire Diaries has been included in USA Today’s list of the top 10 new fall TV shows. It got Number 9. You can see the entire list here.

Here is what they had to say:

9. The Vampire Diaries
CW, Thursdays, 8 ET/PT, Sept. 10

Think of it as One Tree Hill with sharper teeth.

Chances are, your first inclination is to think of Vampire Diaries as a rip-off of True Blood and Twilight — even though the book it’s based on predates both. But beneath the gothic trappings, Vampire (produced by Dawson’s Creek’s Kevin Williamson) is just CW doing what it does: building a teen soap around the complicated lives of impossibly pretty, alarmingly worldly young people who manage to seem prosperous even with no visible means of support.

Adults are likely to steer clear, but the show isn’t made for them. It’s made for young women and girls who have a current affection for vampires and a long-standing affection for the good boy/bad boy dynamic. That should be enough to draw them in.

And that’s the only ratings hill CW has any interest in climbing.


The CW has released the official synopsis for episode 3 of the Vampire Diaries, Friday Night Bites.

It’s full of details and spoilers so to read it click on the “Read the rest of this entry »” link below to see the full episode description.

Read the rest of this entry »

Spoiler TV has 17 new promotional still from episode 3 of the Vampire Diaries, Friday Night Bites.

Check them all out here.





Steven R. McQueen was featured in Teen Vogue’s Young Hollywood edition 2009.

This is what Teen Vogue had to say about Steven:

Steven R. McQueen
Steven, 21, is still somewhat unknown, but his name, thanks to his similarly monikered grandfather (legendary star of Bullitt, The Magnificent Seven, and The Thomas Crown Affair) is world famous. “I’ve been pulled over for speeding,” Steven admits, “and the police officer thought my ID was fake.” The Hollywood pedigree has helped, he says. “But the only way to keep it going is to work hard to live up to it.” In the CW’s new drama The Vampire Diaries, he gets a chance to prove himself, playing the “self-destructive” Jeremy. “In this role, I have the freedom to unleash my anger. It’s kind of like therapy,” he explains, “but I’m getting paid to do it.”—L.W.

This is a behind-the-scenes video of the photo shoot:


More pictures available under CHARACTERS and EPISODES.

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