
A new episode of The Vampire Diaries will be on the CW Network tonight at 8 pm.

Here is the official description of the episode from the CW:

Elena (Nina Dobrev) tries to ignore Bonnie’s (Katerina Graham) warnings about the disturbing vibes she got from Stefan (Paul Wesley). Tyler (Michael Trevino) tries to embarrass Stefan by throwing a football at him, but Stefan effortlessly catches and passes the ball back, impressing everyone with his skill. Mr. Tanner (guest star Benjamin Ayres) reluctantly lets Stefan join the football team. Elena invites Stefan and Bonnie to dinner, hoping that the two will bond, but the evening is disrupted by the unexpected and unwelcome arrival of Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Caroline (Candice Accola). Finally, the town is shocked by an act of violence.

Below is a preview of the episode:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Episode 6 stills – Lost Girls

Episodes, Stills

Vampiresite.net has stills from episode 6 of The Vampire Diaries entitled Lost Girls.

Check out all the stills here.



Vampire Diaries Merchandise
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kayla Interview

Cast and Characters, Interviews


Life’s a Blur has an interview with Kayla Ewell.

Read the entire interview here.

Here is an excerpt from the interview:

The show is set in high school in the small town of Mystic Falls, tell me about your character:

Vicki is the bad girl, she’s the slutty one–every small town has one. She has no girlfriends, and sleeps with all the men in her life. Each episode, all the sex, all the drugs revolve around Vicki, it’s fun to play the bad girl! The first time I read the script I knew I wanted to play her—its great to go places as an actress that you don’t allow yourself to go personally.


Elena ans Stefan have been nominated for Hollywood Style People’s Choice Awards hottest Fall couple.

Vote here.

Vampire Diaries Episodes

This was reported on an article at THR:

“The CW’s freshman breakout “The Vampire Diaries” is edging closer to a full-season pickup.

The network ordered nine additional scripts for the show, which is the closest step executives can take without committing to a full pickup.”

Sweet!! More Vampires to love!!!

Vampire Diaries T-Shirts


Vampiresite.net has posted a new still for episode 7 of The Vampire Diaries, Haunted.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Site Updates

Cast and Characters, Episodes

Vampire Diaries and Vampire Diaries Merchandise

Hey Guys!
Just wanted to inform you of some updates to the site.

We have added pictures to the picture graphic section from the episodes and promos.

I have also added pictures for the following cast members:

1. Nina Dobrev playing Elena Gilbert
2. Ian Somerhalder playing Damon Salvatore
3. Paul Wesley playing Stefan Salvatore
4. Kayla Ewell playing Vicki Donovan

We have also added an episode guide. You can find it at the top of the right hand side bar. Each episode has a very detailed synopsis of the episode, stills from the episode and a play list with music from the episode.

Click on the episode titles below to check them out:
The Night of the Comet

Spoiler TV posted the following casting information for The Vampire Diaries – Episode 1.07:

[LEXI] (early to mid 20′s) A sexy, feisty, fiery, ball of fun VAMPIRE who comes to Mystic Falls to visit her old friend Stefan. GUEST STAR, POS RECURRING. ANY ETHNICITY. STAR/STUNT NAMES ONLY

[LEE] (mid to late 20′s) Dark, angry, menacing, sexy bad boy. Lexi’s on-again off-again ex-boyfriend who doesn’t think twice about turning Mystic Falls into one giant vampire buffet. GUEST STAR, ANY ETHNICITY. STAR/STUNT NAMES ONLY.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Katerina Interview

Cast and Characters, Interviews

Vampire Diaries and Vampire Diaries Pictures

PopStar has an interview with Katerina Graham.

You can read the entire interview here.

Here is an excerpt from the interview:

PopStar: Give us all the juicy details about your character Bonnie Bennett.
Katerina Graham:
I play Bonnie Bennett in the show. Bonnie Bennett is psychic and she is also Elena Gilbert’s best friend, they grew up together. She has this foreboding energy about her, in the beginning it is about little intuitions and senses things which I think is so amazing. They are giving her this gift right when vampires come to town. She knows that something is wrong but she can’t put her finger on it. Throughout the show, her powers grow and she actually gets put to the test on a couple of things. It is a great character; she has this hippie style, very fun, innocent and very fun to play.


More pictures available under CHARACTERS and EPISODES.

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