Monday, April 11, 2011

Julie Plec talks Alaric/Klaus

Cast and Characters, Interviews

The EW caught up with Julie Plec and she talked about the whole Alaric/ Klaus body swap and more.

Check it all out here.

Here is an excerpt:

As the writers were breaking the story for last week’s script, trying to make their fake Klaus work, it was EP Kevin Williamson who came up with the Alaric twist. “This is what [Kevin] always does,” Plec says. “He’ll just walk in the [writer's] room one day, and out of nowhere be like, ‘What if Klaus takes over Alaric’s body in a blood transfusion spell?’ And we all kind of look at him, and our jaws fall to the ground, and then we’re like, ‘Yeah. Hell yeah. Absolutely. Why not?’ That’s the way that Kevin’s brain works. He’ll just pop in like, ‘What it Elena chops off John’s fingers, but it’s really Katherine?’ It’s magical, and so we always go for it when he pitches something that makes us speechless.”

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5 Responses to Julie Plec talks Alaric/Klaus

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pamela ross

April 12th, 2011 at 2:06 am

i think it was a brillant move, but thats why the show is so good

Damon's Girl

April 13th, 2011 at 3:56 am

Great twist. This show always keeps you on your toes!
But I wanted to actually see Klaus as he is today, not just in flash backs. Shame, but still, I love that you just don’t know what can happen in this show! :D

Vampire crazy :-p

April 14th, 2011 at 4:32 pm

u can never know whats gonna happen alright. and everyone don’t giv out 2 many spoilers about the last dance episode until i actually get 2 see it lol :-p


April 15th, 2011 at 6:03 am

The Vampire Diaries is the best supernatural show out there and I think the twists are so imaginative and cool. That’s why I love this show, I firstly got to know about it from reading the books… :D

vampire crazy :-p

April 15th, 2011 at 1:22 pm

I didn’t.I heard about the tv show and I only started watching it because Ian SomerHalder was in it!! But now I realise that Vampire Diaries is the the coolest thing ever!!! and I love the books I can’t wait 2 read the last book. Oh and the stefan’s diaries books are awesome 2 I read the first 2 books of it in one day (aka yesterday)

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