Monday, June 21, 2010

The Vampire Diaries have been nominated in the following categories for the Tubey Awards:
Best Drama
Guiltiest TV Pleasure
Favorite Character – Damon Salvatore
Best Badass -Bonnie Bennett, Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore
Best Cast
Favorite Actor – Ian Somerhalder
Best Guest Star – Malese Jow and Mia Kirshner
Best Season Finale
Best Musical Moment – Damon/Elena dance to Within Temptation’s “All I Need”
Best Non-Romantic Relationship – Damon and Alaric
Go here to vote.
Monday, June 21, 2010

From E!
Genevieve in Sykesville, Md.: Any news on Damon and Elena on The Vampire Diaries would be fantastic!
We can’t specify that this is in any way, shape or form in reference to Damon and Elena, but show runner extraordinaire Julie Plec tweeted this little gem late last night: “TVD. This is the season of soul mates. What’s yours?” OMG. Stay tuned as we continue to try and uncover exactly what Julie’s talking about.
Thursday, May 27, 2010

TV OverMind has an article titled, “Top Ten “Bitch-Slapper” Moments of The Vampire Diaries”
Check it all out here.
Here was one of my favorites they listed ( or I should say Oh No they didn’t!!!):
2) Lexi Dies
Lexi, Lexi, Lexi. How we miss thee…
When Lexi first jumped on her friend Stefan to surprise him for his 162nd birthday, I knew I was going to fall in love with her. Then they sealed that prediction by playing The Birthday Massacre’s “Happy Birthday” after her introduction. Aww, memories… Lexi proved to be another viable character with a rich history that could’ve been a great help to the character study of Stefan, as well as been a great foil for Damon. She bonded quickly with Elena and won over the viewers all in under thirty minutes of the episode. You couldn’t help but think this girl would be a recurring character for awhile, right? Wrong. By episode’s end, Damon drove a stake into Lexi’s heart to cover his own vampire tracks from the Council, as well as inflict more pain to Stefan. He might as well had drove a stake in the hearts of the audience as well. Bastard. God only knows what Lexi could’ve brought to the overall picture, but TPTB (Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson) thought
I miss Lexi and Anna!!!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010

The EW has the CW’s official fall schedule press release and here are some juicy spoilers for season 2:
“Next season, the appearance of the villainous Katherine in Mystic Falls throws a wrench into the love triangle between Stefan, Elena and Damon, and the other residents of Mystic Falls must choose sides as they fall victim to a new breed of danger. New and unexpected friendships will be forged, allies will become enemies, and hearts will be broken. Stefan and Damon will be forced to face a villain more evil and diabolical than they ever believed possible. And they’ll take their shirts off. Frequently.”
Check out the CW’s official fall schedule press release here.

A little Alaric info from TV Guide:
They wouldn’t kill Alaric in the season finale of The Vampire Diaries, would they? Matt Davis is my favorite on that show! — Carrie
MICKEY: “I had a lovely conversation with Kevin Williamson a week or so ago about the future of Alaric, and I must say, it looks bright,” the artist formerly known as Warner Huntington III told us. So it seems he’ll survive the season finale’s apocalyptic Founder’s Day celebration. In fact, we’re hearing that Davis might be promoted to a series regular in the fall.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fancast had the following The Vampire Diaries scoop:
Tell me something – anything – about the ‘Vampire Diaries‘ finale. Please, please, please, with a cherry on top? – Ariel
How about a tiny little something on how the season finale actually and truly ends? Can you handle it? OK, proceed to read: A source tells me the very last face you will see before the screen fades to black belongs to… Elena. Will she be screaming in agony as she is buried alive? Laughing at a good joke? Overcome with ecstasy as she couples with Damon? This, we do not know.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

E! had the following The Vampire Diaries scoop:
Jack in Rhode Island: I think Matt Davis is awesome on The Vampire Diaries. They aren’t going to kill him off, are they?
Thanks to Alaric’s fancy lifesaving ring (take that, Damon!), and the producers feeling the same as you, I’m told that Matt is sticking around. No plans to off him.
Wallace in Miami: How about some news on Damon on TVD? I’m kind of wanting him to go back to being evil. Will his good side stick around long?
I’m told he’ll always be in a gray area, between good and evil. And hello, he has done plenty of evil things as of late, including slaughtering (he thought) Alaric and snapping his kindly neighbor woman’s neck! If you don’t think that’s evil, I hope you don’t live on my street.
Penny in Tuscon, Ariz.: I love that Jeremy’s not in the dark on The Vampire Diaries anymore. What’s ahead for him?
Jeremy and vampire Anna will find their way back to each other, even though she bailed when she learned about the whole Vicki situation. Sadly for J, his relationship with this little lady doesn’t end up much better than the latter.
Thursday, April 22, 2010

The TV Fanatic has some details on some of what we can expect for the rest of the season:
* Stefan and Damon finally reveal to Elena how they became vampires.
* Damon and Alaric partner up to stop Jonathan Gilbert, who is headed for a confrontation with Pearl.
* Elena’s first meeting with her birth mother doesn’t end well.
* As detailed by a CW press release: On the season finale, “Johnathan Gilbert sets a plan in motion that brings Founder’s Day to an end amid chaos, destruction and death.”
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Great new Promo poster for the show from E! and head on over to E! to get some scoop on Isobel.