Vampire Diaries Season 2 Spoilers
MTV Hollywood Crush recaps Julie Plec’s VRO Interview which includes spoilers for season 2.
Read the entire article here for more.
You can listen to the entire Julie interview here.
Here is an excerpt:
Julie and creator Kevin Williamson’s overarching goal for season 2 is to integrate the other characters outside of the love triangle, especially Tyler Lockwood (Michael Trevino). “Tyler is crucial to this mythology,” Julie said. “The werewolf element is crucial to this story. Season two is big time about the Lockwoods, so the first thing that happens is Mrs. Lockwood steps in as interim mayor.” And if Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) survives (wink, wink), Julie alluded to that fact that he and Tyler could share a strong connection. Another new bromance on the horizon will be Stefan and Matt (Zach Roerig). Yes, Elena’s ex and current love will become “true blue” friends.
stefan and matt? friends? seems a little unrealistic to me.:)
but the love triangle will be very interesting to watch, i hope elena get damon in the end!!! they’re the better and hotter couple.
it will be very funny, because there sure will be a lot of scenes, where you don’t know if it’s kathrine or elena!
i hope damon won’t turn back to kathrine! he’s meant to be together with elena!!! TEAM DAMON!!!!! π
im glad they are going to become friends as its in the book and its nice to see them as friends. i hope damon and stefan stick by elena and not go bk to katherine but she isnt going to want to share, cant wait to see wat she does, will anyone find out that she is back?
elena’s ex?!
me 2 i want elena and damon together at the end
stefan can have fun with her for awhile
but then elena should be with damon
@ beth: matt is elena’s ex!!! π
but i don’t think that nobody will know that she’s back!
i think that damon and stefan find out that kathrine is back because sure damon wants to talk to elena about “their” kiss, so it’ll all come out. or maybe jenna tell stefan or… i don’t know!
OMG i can’t wait for Season 2 its gonna be INCREDIBLE!!!!!!
luvin the Vampire Diaries sooooo much its awesome π
i hope Jeremy survives he was awesome n its so sad when Anna dies. i think Matt n Stefan would be great friends but it is a bit dodgy considering Elena is his ex :/ I CAN’T WAIT to see what they do with Tyler n the werewolf storyline thats gonna be unbelievable to watch π
AND OMG KATHERINE’S BACK AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME thats gonna be one hell of a storyline n plus when Damon kissed “Elena” (or so he thought) luv triangle alert!!!!! π π
does anyone know anythin bout Bonnie???? i thought she was a great character but now shes sorta turned evil i dnt like her anymore :/
i hope that Damen and Elena will fall in love like in the books next season. I was diappointed when i found out that it was only Kathrine kissing Damen because I was like finally there together this is the moment I have been waiting for and then I find out that it was Kathrine and not really Elena.
I CAN’T wait for season two! I LOVE YOU DAMEN!
i hope the confrontation between katherine, damen, stefan, and elena isn’t like it is in the book. although i love damen at the end
I don’t think Damon will go back to Katherine, Stefan will. It would make a really good twist if stefan went off with Katherine, and elena with Damon, because Katherine will probably not stick around. Then it would be stefan who would be single, and the relationship that damon and elena currently have would be switched to Stefan and Elena. TEAM DAMON X
When is season 2???
I wish to stay elena with damon Because they were nice couple
Stefan and Matt becoming friends isn’t a stretch at all. They were friends in the books.
OMG! I love the vampire diaries. Paul Wesley is sooooooooo cute!!!! I love Ian too, and i just can’t decie!! Love u both xxx mwah
i think that damon is perfect to elenna than stefan
can some one tell me about season 2 plz?,??
i am ating for an anser
cant wait for season 2 it will rock cant wait till september anyone know the exact date tell me please.
Team damon
Damon/Ian and Elena/Nina 4 ever <3
@ sweetDamon: Its not true that nobody knows Katherine is back… John knows!
ps: Cant for the FInal Vp book coming out july first…… We’ll know who Elena is with forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey when does season two come to the uk ?
its shud be demon+katherine and stefan+elena….
Delena <3 !!!
I also hear that it's actually Stefan who's not as over Katherine as he thinks…
damon should definately go wit elena, thats all that needs to be said
i luv vampire diary damen is suuuuuuucccccccchhhhhhh a bad boy lol luv you damen
sorry about this⦠when you are reading this dont stop or something bad will happen! My name is summer i am 15 years old i have blonde hair,many scars no nose or ears..i am dead.if you dont copy this just like from the ring, on 5 more sites.. or..i will appear one dark quiet night when your not expecting it by your bed with a knife and kill you. this is no joke something good will happen to you if you post this on 5 more pages
sorry about this⦠when you are reading this dont stop or something bad will happen! My name is summer i am 15 years old i have blonde hair,many scars no nose or ears..i am dead.if you dont copy this just like from the ring, on 5 more sites.. or..i will appear one dark quiet night when your not expecting it by your bed with a knife and kill you. this is no joke something good will happen to you if you post this on 5 more pages
ur the heroes.and damon i love u so much elena 2.stephene i like but don’t take elena away from damon.!!
I think stefan and katherine and Damon and Elena because i still think stefan still likes katherine so Damon YOUUUUU RULE!!!!!